Friday, December 12, 2014

The Simple Shift That Lets You Earn More from Your Writing
earn more from your writingYou think of yourself as a blogger…or copywriter…or fiction author…or some other specific kind of writer.
I must be psychic, right? :)
But even though you may be a talented writer, you’re probably wondering why you’re struggling to pay the bills.
Your prose leaps from the page, you offer amazing value, and you may even have some cool bribe to convince website visitors to join your mailing list.
And yet…you’re doing what you love and the money isn’t following.
What gives?
I’ll tell you what gives. Remember how I used my brilliant powers of deduction to guess that you think of yourself as a certain type of writer?
That’s the problem right there.
The simple shift we promise in the headline — the shift that will help you earn more as a writer, not to mention gain new readers — is a shift in mindset: